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Management: The Truth about a corrupt business.

Updated: May 12

I wrote "corrupt business" in the title of this section, only because I was told, emphatically, that the music business is corrupt by someone who should know. A Very Big manager who I was co-managing an artist with, told me so at our first business dinner.

His exact words. spoken very calmly, were "you know, this is a corrupt business."

I think he did that because he sensed in me some naivete and rookie-ishness, and he was exactly right. Not that I had any illusions that being a manager was going to be a walk in the park, or that a lot of lies wouldn't be told, but that I still felt being an "artist-friendly" and ethical approach would be a workable business model. .

In this section I'll relate some of the nastiest comments, dirtiest practices and yes, corrupt business stuff that I came across in my short tenure as a music manager. No names will be named, or shamed. Unless you can figure them out. At which time I'll deny everything.

Social Connection

Music also plays a pivotal role in bringing people together. Concerts and music festivals are not just gatherings of fans; they are communal experiences. The energy and excitement of a live performance can create a sense of unity among the audience. Musicians, through their lyrics and melodies, often address social issues, inspiring movements and change. From folk songs during the Civil Rights Movement to modern protest anthems, music has been a catalyst for social justice and activism.

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